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S7 Half-way Summary: Is the first prize of the season in your pocket? Does the base camp welcome the joy of moving?

Release time: 2021-06-04 16:06:00


在2021 国际汽联电动方程式世界锦标赛进行至半程时,我们采访了NIO 333 FE车队领队克里斯蒂安·西尔克(Christian Silk),询问了他有关国际汽联环境认证、车队新的英国总部以及他对第七赛季剩余赛程的期望。

We caught up with Christian Silk, Team Principal of NIO 333 Formula E Team, mid-way through the 2021 ABB FIA Formula E World Championship to ask him about FIA Environmental Accreditation, the team's new UK HQ and his expectations for the remainder of Season 7.

你对车队到目前为止,在2021 国际汽联电动方程式世界锦标赛上的表现有什么看法?

What are your thoughts on the team’s [Season 7] 2021 ABB FIA Formula E World Championship performance to date?  


Christian Silk: Generally, we are pleased with the results from the first half of the season. It is clear that we have taken a good step forward from previous years. However, you could say that the hard work is just beginning as we now need to maintain that forwards momentum. We were not as competitive in Monaco as we had hoped, and we have completed a lot of analysis since then and we understand the issues we encountered. We now need to take that learning and prove that we are still on an upwards trajectory in Mexico.

NIO 333 FE车队的两位车手Oliver Turvey和Tom Blomqvist在排位赛的第一圈都取得了不错的成绩,为了保持这些超级杆位的成绩,你们做了哪些改进?

With both NIO 333 FE Team drivers, Oliver Turvey and Tom Blomqvist, putting in strong qualifying laps in the opening rounds, what developments/improvements are you putting in place to maintain those Superpole achievements? 


Christian Silk: There is a reasonably long gap between Monaco and Mexico races so, as you can imagine, we have been working flat out to try and make the most of that time. In this formula track testing is restricted, so our progress has to be in the virtual world. The engineers have been developing the control systems and progress has been made using both computer simulation and via the DiL (driver in the loop simulator). Obviously for qualifying we are working on our single lap pace, but for the race we are also working on our energy management - the side of electric car racing which is unique to this sport and very interesting and challenging for everyone involved.

你能告诉我们关于NIO 333 FE车队本赛季获得国际汽联环境认证“三星奖”的情况吗?

What can you tell us regarding NIO 333 Formula E Team working toward gaining its Three Stars FIA Environmental Accreditation Award this season? 


赛车运动一直是一项科学主导的运动,在家里,我的妻子和女儿都是科学家,因此我很幸运地接触和了解气候变化的科学。虽然说是幸运的,但有时看到我们对地球所做的是相当可怕的,然而我们都必须勇敢,响应科学家的话,尽我们所能来保护我们的地球。基于这些原因,NIO 333 FE车队正与国际汽联密切合作,以减少我们的碳排放,支持生物多样性。

Christian Silk:  This is something that is particularly close to my heart and I am very proud of. However, as a collective team, we all consider it critical for the sake of the planet that we put time and resource into the FIA Accreditation program.

Motorsport has always been a science-led sport, and at home both my wife and daughter are scientists, hence I am fortunate to be exposed to and understand well the science of climate change. I say fortunate, but sometimes it is quite scary to see what we are doing to the planet, however we must all be brave, listen to the scientists and do all we can to protect our planet. For these reasons the NIO 333 Formula E Team is working closely with the FIA to reduce our carbon footprint and support biodiversity.

你们NIO 333 FE车队即将搬进位于银石的新基地,这对车队有什么影响?

You are moving into new NIO 333 Formula E Team facilities at Silverstone soon – what impact will this have on the team? 



Christian Silk:  Moving the team in to one location is something we have been working towards for some time. When we saw the Silverstone location, we immediately realized that it suits our needs perfectly.

I have worked in many teams that have been split geographically and it always makes efficient working practice much more difficult. I am sure being all under one roof will be a massive bonus for the team. It will not only help us work more efficiently, but I think it will help us build energy and excitement in the team. We have a wonderful team spirit but being all under one roof will only improve that. We are very excited by the thoughts of moving into our new premises.


The all-electric racing series will soon be heading to Mexico for the inaugural Puebla E-Prix, what are your expectations for this and the remaining rounds of the season?


Christian Silk:  My expectations are that it will be unpredictable and exciting! You never know what is going to transpire at a Formula E race. If you look at Monaco, a track which is normally a procession in other formula, we had one of the best races I have seen and with more overtaking right up to the chequered flag than you can imagine. Puebla is a more traditional track with some fast corners, so it will require a very different setup to Monaco. In some ways it is more like Valencia, a track where we were very competitive, so I am hoping for great things, also for the remaining events of Season 7.

2021 国际汽联电动方程式世界锦标赛第8站和第9站将于6月19日和20日在墨西哥普埃布拉举行。

Rounds 8 and 9 of the 2021 ABB FIA Formula E World Championship take place in Puebla, Mexico on 19th and 20th June.

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